Natural Light Photographer


*Bundles of Joy*

*Vanishing Moments*

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Nearing October's End

We have hit my favorite time to live in Florida.  Sunny skies, slight breeze and days like these where you can spend the whole morning at the park.
Soren and Ella are two peas in a pod.  Every day Ella wonders if we'll bump into him.  She was thrilled to make it to our play date at the park this morning because yes, Soren was there! 
 Here's John, one of the sweetest kids you'll meet.
 Baby Stevenson watching me from a distance, what a cutie!

You've Had A Birthday!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Little L's Two Years Old!

This week marks Little L.'s 2nd Birthday!  We were happy to be able to celebrate that special day with her family. This cute dress was made by her mom, I think she did a fabulous job, especially for her first time sewing a dress. I think this Seattle family is finally settling in, with the change of seasons and crisper weather, they can feel at ease, Fall has arrived!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Miss Sami

This is Sami, she's almost 10 years old and is also the friend that walks Suzanna home from the bus stop. This morning we all walked to school, I think I'm beginning to really like this walking thing. The choice is the bus comes at 6:10am or we leave the house at 7am (I think I'll stick with the later half).
I am the children's music leader at church and Sami is in my older group of kids. I love how energetically she sings each and every week. If I could clone another Sami for myself I would! I wonder if her mom would mind us taking her to England with us.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

50 Years & Counting Part II

Part two of the classy Mr. J. and Mrs. L.'s party was today.  They've been happily married 50 years this month.  The gold goblets in the picture bellow were used by Mr. J.'s parents at their 50th anniversary.  That's some history and a rich tradition to pass down to their children and grandchildren.
The cake cutting was a sweet moment, many more years of health and happiness to these two!
Sharing a moment together.
Those who came to celebrate!
Half of the K. family able to attend the party.

Karony Grand-girls

The Karony 50th Anniversary party wouldn't  have been the same without these three cuties.  Fun times, they really made me smile as I captured some moments of them from behind the lens.  Aren't grand daughters this age so fun?  

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pink Flowers For All

This afternoon we had a visitor.  These are my very favorite flowers, I love the vibrant pink and I'm also so happy they haven't died one me.  When I pull up in the driveway they are the first things to greet me, they make me smile.  It was nice to see a little someone who also loves the flowers, and the special visitor stayed long enough for me to run and get my camera.