Natural Light Photographer


*Bundles of Joy*

*Vanishing Moments*

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Paris Over a Very Thankful Thanksgiving

 And of course we enjoyed Disneyland Paris!

We had a wonderful time in Paris but were so very happy to finally come home to this side of the English channel!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Two (Very Cute) Brothers

When we moved to England two years ago, these boys were the first that I photographed.   Now in three weeks they will be moving to Germany.  I'm happy we got to get a few brother photos before they move!  We will miss the S. family!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Happy Birthday, Miss L.!

Miss L. is now four-years-old!

Little Miss L. is Four!

Miss L. just turned four!
My favorite part of Fall are watching the leaves turn.  Most of the trees here in England are nearly done changing colors and have begun to drop their leaves.  What better for a sweet four-year-old girl to do than play in the leaves!

We also saw a few horses and they were very interested in the apples we found!
Sweet Miss L.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cute Little Baby E.

Welcome Baby E.!

 This little bundle of joy was wide awake the entire time of his photo session!  What a cutie!