Europe is very easy to travel to when you have Ryanair giving away £20 tickets to amazing locations, and so we waited and waited just for the perfect day to hop over to Ireland!
Nothing competes a trip to Cork like the lovely seaside village of Kinsale.
Everyone seems to have bright spirits and very friendly, even the animals.
If in the U.S. you'd notice the post boxes are blue, in the U.K. red, and of course here in Ireland, they must be green.
Looking out from Charles Fort, Kensale.
The lovely flowers we saw on our walk back and forth around the old fort.
Two police officers on a horse, check!
My favorite car!
In Cork we visited St. Anne's Church in Shandon.
They let you ring the church bells! We had a lot of songs to choose from but picked "Amazing Grace". It was exhilarating!
The view from the bell tower.
These are the grounds of Blarney Castle.
We climbed 7 sets of stairs up to where the kissing stone.