Natural Light Photographer


*Bundles of Joy*

*Vanishing Moments*

Monday, October 1, 2012

Nana & Papa's Visit to Cambridgeshire!

It seems as though my senses are alive when I travel to Cambridge.  Ely Cathedral is my favorite, not only because I feel alive when I visit but also because my parents would frequent this area 40 years ago (when my Dad was an Airmen).  Loving England just comes natural!   
I love the chimney tops:
The Tudor homes (made with timber beams) are around every corner:
The garden at Ely is a perfect place to just meditate and if you're luck you'll hear the bellowing organ pipes echoing in the air.
An even closer look, there will be something looking back at you from the Cathedral:
 There's something for everyone:
 You can't wander too far from it as it peaks above everything:
 The Colleges in Cambridge are no different:
 Beautiful doors:
 You'll even find a King George's Royal Postbox & loads of bikes:
 Stonehenge was also top of the list:
 Pure Energy:
 And of course, Bath:

 The making for a perfect week with perfect guests!

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